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Botox, Bubbles, + Bling Falls Jewelers - Kannapolis LocationThurs. May 11, 4 - 7pm Falls Jewelers Concord, NC Botox, Bubbles, + Bling Falls Jewelers - Kannapolis LocationThurs. May 11, 4 - 7pm Falls Jewelers Concord, NC

Botox, Bubbles, + Bling

Presented by Falls Jewelers + Accentuate Med Spa


Location: Falls Jewelers - Dowtown Kannapolis
When: Thursday, May 11th
Time: 4-7 pm

Come enjoy:
$11/unit of Botox services
20% off all Mother's Day jewelry
20% off forever jewelry
+ Champagne and Hors d'oeuvres

*No appointment needed, but RSVP to be entered into a raffle for a pair of Lassaire Diamond Stud Earrings!

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Forever Jewelry

20% off all styles!

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$11/unit all evening long!

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Mother's Jewelry

20% off all mother's jewelry!

My Bag

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